Die Flut in der Ukraine nimmt ab, jedoch gibt es Bedenken hinsichtlich Krankheit.

Ukraine reports that the flooded area in the Kherson region has almost halved in size as a result of the Kakhovka dam breach, but experts and officials are worried that infectious diseases may spread in polluted waters.

Laut Alexander Prokudin, dem Leiter der Regionalverwaltung, sind die Wasserwerte um 27 cm (10 in) gesunken.

Die Innenministerium erklärte, dass noch Tausende von ukrainischen Häusern von Fluten betroffen sind.

Ten thousands have lost access to drinking water.

On Tuesday burst the massive Damm, leaking a huge torrent of water, flooding vast areas of land on both sides of the Dnipro river quickly.

Ukraine blamed Russia for “blowing up” the dam, which is in a Russian-controlled area of the country. Russia has denied this and accused Ukraine of causing it to collapse.

Both claims have not been confirmed by the BBC, but it appears that Russian forces, who controlled the dam, decided to blow it up in order to complicate Ukraine’s ongoing counteroffensive.

Die große Kakhovka-Quelle, die für die Region eine wichtige Wasserquelle ist, hat hinter dem Damm Wasser verloren.

Dr. Jarno Habicht, der Vertreter der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) in der Ukraine, informierte die BBC, dass die Situation “devastating” sei und die Bereitstellung von sicherem und sauberem Wasser von großer Bedeutung sei. He erklärte, dass es wichtig sei, auf Wasserübertragbare Krankheiten aufmerksam zu bleiben und dass routinemäßige Sample-Tests durchgeführt wurden.

According to the UK’s defence ministry, people were facing a “sanitation crisis” because there was limited access to safe water and a higher risk of water-borne diseases.

We know about the dam incident in Ukraine: While Ukrainian officials have said no cases of infectious illnesses have been reported so far, the city of Kherson, which is approximately 100 km (62 miles) from the Kakhovka dam and has been severely affected by the floods, has imposed restrictions on the use of river water in order to prevent their spread.

The city military administration said that bathing, fishing, drinking, or giving the water to animals is prohibited due to the flooding of houses and sewage facilities.

Laut dem Innenministerium von Ukraine wurden 32 settlements in Kherson, das von der Ukraine kontrolliert wird, sowie weitere 14 in der von der russischen Regierung kontrollierten Region zerstört. In der Region Mykolayiv wurden weitere 31 Unterkünfte von den Fluten betroffen.

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